Bolex Reporter, Volume 23
- 1973
- Volume 23, Number 1
- Articles: "Our Life with the Orangutans",
Wolfgang Bayer; "Bolex in the Duckblind", Charles L. Cadieux; "Travel
and Adventure Films for TV", Allen Hubbard; "Cougar Country", Ernest Wilkinson;
"Directing the Directors", Stan Sleek; "Community Action and Super 8",
Marti Kardinal; "The City - As Seen by a Bolex", Nancy Dwyer; "Putting
'Film on Sound'", R. Per-Johan Reuterberg; "Bolex Underwater in Micronesia",
Douglas Wallin; "The Professional Amateur Film", Kerry Levitt; "Shooting
Legendary Castles", Hans Holzer
- A thin issue with limited photos; none of which are in
- 24 pages
- 1973-1974
- Volume 23, Number 2
- Articles: Unknown
- I don't have this issue. If you have a copy and would like
to help complete this list of Bolex Reporter information, please scan
the cover and email the details to me.
- ?? pages