Bolex Reporter, Volume 20
- 1970
- Volume 20, Number 1
- Articles: "Introducing the Bolex 160";
"In Japan with Bolex", Kaz Kikkawa; "Legendary Timbuctu", Richard G. Brill;
"Expo '70 in Osaka", Tom Sullivan; "Bolex in Bulgaria", Arnim Walter;
"Visiting the Yagua Indians on the Amazon", Leslav A Giermanski; "What
Are You Dreaming, America - in 8 or 16mm?", Jack Godler
- Although my issue is not intact, the cover is supposed
to have a 3-D photo of a girl in a bikini, holding a Bolex 160. Jack Godler
announces the winners of the Newsweek/Bolex contest in his article, and
humorously critiques some of the stranger entries.
- 20 pages
- 1970-1971
- Volume 20, Number 2
- Articles: "Who, What, Where, When, Why
and How", Peter Zakroff; "Filming 'Dark and Whetted Soil'", Donald Crafton;
"Proud Train to Promontory", Michael L. Autorino; "Training Films That
Entertain", Tom Speros; "The Film Revolution", Thomas Fensch; "Stowe Film
Festival", Elise LaTaille; "Steady As She Goes!", Ed Becker; "Animation
Techniques", Bill Utsman; "Special Effects, Animation, and Grog", Bruce
Dods; "Effective Use of Lenses", Ernst Wildi; "Film Lecturing as a Career",
Robert E. O'Reilly; "Round the World Amateur", Bill Kelley; "Filming Falconry",
Charles L. Cadieux; "The Magic of Number 20710", Mercer D. Helms, Jr.;
"Shooting Movies of the TV Screen", Ernst Wildi; "Editing Is Not Hard
to Learn", Joe Tiffenbach
- This issue was mostly devoted to the efforts of instructional
movie makers working with Super 8 and 16mm film.
- 32 pages