Bolex Reporter, Volume 18
- 1968
- Volume 18, Number 1
- Articles: "Thoughts on Close-ups", Geza
de Rosner; "Adventures in Sight and Sound", Ralph J. Franklin; "Polynesia",
Stan Waterman; "Andrea Doria Dive", Jack Brewer
- Artist Rudolph de Harak designed the cover for this issue.
The first 17 pages are devoted entirely to the new Bolex 155 Macrozoom
and its features, in an article entitled "Introducing the Bolex 155 Macrozoom".
- 32 pages
- 1968-1969
- Volume 18, Number 2
- Articles: "Educational Films: The Challenge
of Communication", Geza de Rosner; "The Editor Writes Back...", Walter
Braun; "Single Concept Films for Education", Cy Sommer; "Industrial Training
Films", Vernon Delston; "A Dog's Life", Mike Banks; "Filming in Iceland",
Asgeir Long; "Discover - Yukon Territory", Richard Robertson; "Children
of the Kobuk", Stan Sleeth; "Warriors With Weapons", Don Miller; "A Day
on the Ski Slopes", Elroy Anderson; "The Dune Buggy Beat", Maggie Weisberg;
"Bolex Humoresque", Don Sutherland; "Surinam Expedition", B.G.Smith; "Trip
to Altiplano", Lelslav A. Giermanski; "Report from Bogota", Charles Marden
Fitch; "Behind the Iron Curtain with My Bolex", W. Eris Houchin; "An Archer's
Adventures in Africa", Bob Swinehart; "Bolex Safari in Rhodesia", Carole
and Robin Harvey; "Wildlife", Roman R. Pawlowski; "Three Trips to Antarctica",
Bjorn G. Bolstad; "Around the World in 80 Minutes", D.H. Crosse; "The
Line Island Experiment", Roger Ewy; "1000 Feet Deep for Science", Ron
Church; "Sound Production", Ernst Wildi
- This was the largest issue of the Bolex Reporter. While
the cover isn't very interesting, this issue contains some of the best
written articles and stories of any Bolex Reporter, in my opinion. On
the instructional side, "Sound Production: Add Reality to Films", by Ernst
Wildi, is a fully illustrated article on the production of sound in news
and documentary filming.
- 48 pages