Bolex Reporter, Volume 13
- 1963
- Volume 13, Number 1
- Articles: "High Mountain Movies", Herbert
Maeder and Hans Plattner; "Ninth Atlantic Crossing", Norris D. Hoyt; "Home
Movie Album", Irving Desfor; "Bolex on the Aisle", John Law; "Close-Up
Filming"; "Bolex in My Briefcase", Joseph Janousek; "Bolex Matte Box",
Ernst Wildi;
- Results of the "How America Lives" contest are given; The
top two winners received a round trip ticket to Europe, a certificate,
and a Bolex silver medal. Three new cameras - The K-1, P-2 and H-16 REX-2,
are reviewed.
- 36 pages
- 1963-1964
- Volume 13, Number 2
- Articles: "Mysterious Easter Island",
Geza De Rosner; "Animation Unlimited", John Korty; "Successful Winter
Filming", Ernst Wildi; "Motion Picture Techniques"; "Framing Movie Scenes",
Antonio Cernuda; "Become an Amateur TV Reporter", Norman Rosenblum; "Technical
Corner", Ernst Wildi
- The price of the Bolex Reporter increased to 50 cents with
this issue. "Motion Picture Techniques" is an illustrated guide describing
several methods of filming motion pictures; the real purpose of the article
is, of course, to suggest the Bolex accessories best suited for the job.
- 36 pages