Bolex Reporter, Volume 21
- 1971
- Volume 21, Number 1
- Articles: "Shooting an Ancient Epic",
James Burgess; "Filming Near Space Through the Telescope", Zack T. Hinckley;
"Bad Trips", Tom Sullivan; "Recording Montana's Ghostly Past", Don Miller;
"Enlarging Stills From Movie Frames", James H. Robinson; "The Fun of Shooting
and the Fun of Projecting", Walter Braun; "New Zealand's 'Big Three'",
Charles E. Jones; "Preserving an Art as Ancient as Glass", Robert A. Mickelsen;
"Pelecanus Conspicillatus - and Bolex", Roman R. Pawlowski; "AV: College
'Hollywood'", D.C. Pandya; "16mm Close-ups: The Hows and Whys", Ernst
- The cover features a sequence of 16mm frames, shot during
the launch of Apollo 11 with a Bolex REX-4 and 86EE lens.
- 32 pages
- 1971-1972
- Volume 21, Number 2
- Articles: "An Open Letter to Bolex",
Ronald Davis; "At Ease, Charlie - A Three-Screen Experiment", Dr. Edward
De Roo; "The Film in the Back-Up Camera", Bob Lehmann; "Condensed Films:
New Movie Inspiration", Walter Braun; "Our Bolex Has Wings", Matilda Metcalf;
"Winter and Desert Wildlife Filming", Richard and Rochelle Wright; "The
Making of 'Easy Reader'", Chris Lydle; "Filming Childbirth for Police
Training", Walter T. Leamy, Jr; "The Bolex in Ice-Cube Alley", Kip Taylor;
"Quality Sports Films at Half the Cost", Ernst Wildi; "My Aerial World
- and Bolex", Stan Bandranke
- This issue had articles related to sports, educational
films, travelogues and 'creative moviemaking'.
- 24 pages