Bolex Reporter, Volume 19
- 1969
- Volume 19, Number 1
- Articles: "From Britain's Royal Auto
Club", Paul Taylor; "Outdoorsman", W.A. Bryant; "Trip to the Galapagos",
Leslav A. Giermanski; "Watch Out When Shooting in the Tropics", Glenn
Bernard; "Angel Falls - A Sight to Film", Paul R. Eversole; "Filming a
Documentary", Abbe Borov; "Educational Filming with Student Participation",
Peter S. Zakroff; "The Anatomy of a Movie", K.N. Carter; "Instructional
Filming - Interaction", Beverly Stephen and John W. Denzler; "Super 8
Film Workshop", John W. Bizzel, Jr.; "Time-Lapse Cinematography", Ernst
- Bolex Macrozoom cameras and the new Multimatic projector
are discussed throughout this issue. The back cover announces a new contest
in cooperation with Newsweek magazine. $10,000 worth of 16mm and Super
8mm Bolex equipment, as well as Hermes typewriters, were offered as a
prize for winning documentaries. The entries were limited to seven categories:
National Affairs; Cities; The War in Vietnam; Science and Space; Art;
Education; Religion. 151 films were entered and the results were listed
in the 1970 issue.
- 32 pages
- 1969-1970
- Volume 19, Number 2
- Articles: "Man Walks on the Moon"; "Gulf
Stream Drift Mission"; "Bolex on the Sea of Cortez", Charles L. Cadieux;
"The Hummock", Carl E. Scott and Jack Swedberg; "Focus on the Child-Made
Film", Barbara Rosser; "Minute Histories - Family Style", Portia Meares;
"The Latest in Super 8 Moviemaking Equipment from Bolex", Product Review;
"Caribbean Holiday", Pictorial; "Bolex - Precise and Rugged", Robert E.
O'Reilly; "Confessions of an Amateur Filmmaker", Nelson Rhodes; "Solving
the Riddle of Saltwater Crocodiles", Roman R. Pawlowski; "Television Originality
- The Bolex Way", David A. Williams; "Bolex in Baja", Sherilyn Mentes;
"Pre-Laboratory Instruction Films", W. Robert Barnard and Richard T. Yingling;
"New 16mm Zoom Lens", Product Review
- This cover features the Apollo 11 lunar module leaving
the surface of the moon. "Man Walks on the Moon" features a series of
pictures of the moon landing, and mentions the Kern Switar lens that was
mounted to the lunar module. "Caribbean Holiday" is a six page color pictorial
containing images taken with a Bolex Macrozoom.
- 32 pages