Bolex Reporter, Volume 22
- 1972
- Volume 22, Number 1
- Articles: "Report to St. Patrick?",
D.A.H. Stammer; "The Super 8 Advantage", Tom Sullivan; "Snake Wrestling
and Filmmaking in the Amazon", Ted Rogalny; "The Afternoon of a Nose",
Bob Stuhmer; "Filming in the Everglades", Robert C. Hermes; "Copying Slides
and Movie Frames", Ernst Wildi; "No Second Takes", James M. Bu; "How I
Got 'Come and Get It'", Jeffrey C. Ingram; "A Day At School - Writing
a Screenplay for a Bolex 160", Susan B. Vaughn; "Assignment: Survival!",
Chris Borden
- The name of the magazine remained the "Bolex Reporter",
although the large typeface of "Paillard" appears to suggest otherwise.
- 24 pages
- 1972-1973
- Volume 22, Number 2
- Articles: Unknown
- I don't have this issue. If you have a copy and would like
to help complete this list of Bolex Reporter information, please scan
the cover and email the details to me.
- ?? pages